Competitive Intelligence

[finance_heading title=”Competitive Intelligence” image=”68″]
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Is your company ready for what’s coming next like new entrants, emerging technologies and substitutes for your products or services?
[finance_icon_text style=”style7″ title=”Competitor Marketing Strategy” ficon=”fa fa-list” icon_color=”#3680db”]How does your competition stack up on their marketing strategy and competencies? What are their recent marketing tactics? What kind of operations and customer service do they provide? Where do they succeed and fail?

These are some of the many topics that we consider daily at Market Directions. Competitive intelligence can be done prior to a custom market research study or in conjunction with developing your questionnaire or discussion guide. At any point in time, we can glean competitive intelligence and insights for you.[/finance_icon_text]

[finance_icon_text style=”style7″ title=”Support Market Decisions” ficon=”fa fa-line-chart” icon_color=”#3680db”]

We believe in and practice evidenced based marketing, that is supporting marketing decisions and campaigns with critical information and data which conveys your customers’ experiences and stories. The only way to gather evidence with quality is with thorough market research.

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